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Evangelism in Europe is growing rapidly. More and more people get trained and equipped to reach the harvest - which is great. But this is not where the story ends. It's not only about reaching them. It's about bringing them home so they can become true disciples and followers of Jesus Christ. And the only thing that's missing to reach this goal is simple:
We know there are many christians out there with a big heart for the lost. One phrase we always hear is:
"I am not the Evangelist standing on a stage or street with a microphone in my hands - but bring the people to me one on one and I am the best in introducing them to Jesus."
If that's you: the Harvest Camp is for you!
We want to build a family army of Spirit-filled Harvest Carriers, people who do the most important work of all evangelism in the world: making sure that the people who are reached actually end up in the church.
Alle 4 Schulungstage
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